About The Beneficiaries!

Our Priority Target Beneficiaries

Our target beneficiaries are the elderly women, men and their dependants such as the grandchildren. Following a research that we carried out to identify and analyze the situation around our intended target groups, our findings indicated that at least 90% of the elderly in the community are living without any caretaker. Whether women or men, all those who live by themselves have to take care of themselves, from cooking, laundry, cleaning compound and taking care of any grandchildren under their care -something which they cannot do because of challenges associated with old age.

Additionally, a number of the women or couples have grandchildren under their care; either because the grandchildren are orphaned or the parents are living far away and only visit once in a while.

Secondly, due to old age and lack of financial support, the elderly in the community are not able to do farming for food. So, the few who have some relatives who can send them support, are able to send them some minimal support. The majority however, do not have well-to-do relatives who provide such kind of support.